Please note that this software is now a bit dated. It was designed for older versions of Google Apps for Education and for SIF version 2. There are now other ways of syncing student and staff accounts with Google Apps. It was used to create staff and student accounts for years in a district with nearly 40,000 students.
ForXs2gApps is a User Management agent for Google Apps for Education™.
ForXs2gApps is tool to automate the creation of gMail accounts for Google Apps for Education in a school district (K-12) that has implemented SIF (School Interoperability Framwork™) to exchange information between management systems. If SIF is not being used or if the institution is a college or business using Google Apps Enterprise then the agent can poll a SQL database for new, modified or disabled users.
As a SQL agent
As a minimum the agent requires a source SQL database with a minimum of first name, last name and a unique identifier usually student number. If not provided in the SQL source the agent can generate usernames and passwords.
As a user management agent
ForXs2gApps registers with a SIF Zone and accepts information sent to the agent from the zone about staff and students. It uses this information to create and manage user accounts. Configuration settings allow the agent to accept usernames and passwords sent to it from the Zone or it can create unique usernames and passwords as needed. ForXs2gApps is a SIF 2.0 agent.
Up to the minute addition of student and staff user accounts
As new students are enrolled or existing student's information is changed that information is passed on through the zone to ForXs2gApps. ForXs2gApps adds or changes the user accounts as it receives the information. The process can take a bit more than a minute but less time than it takes a new student to walk from the office to the computer lab.
The ForXs2gApps instruction PDFs contain information needed to get the agent up and running. They are available at the bottom of this page.
The second PDF, ForXs2gAppsSQL has instructions for setting up the agent as a SQL only tool. References to the SIF environment have been eliminated and replaced with instructions on setting up SQL queries of your database as a source of user information.
Very complex situations may require further assistance. Please use the Contact Us form available from the home page to request help.